Saturday, April 14, 2007

It's tulip time

The flowers are sublime
They cheer my heart in this chill clime
But I want a warm and sunny day
I'm tired of all the rain and gray
I want to go outside and play
It's springtime, darn it--winter, go away!

On the last day of Pesach, I was in Manhattan, davvening (praying) at Ansche Chesed. It occurred to me that, since one is permitted to carry in public on a holiday (provided that it isn't also a Sabbath), I could take the opportunity to go for a walk in my favorite parts of Riverside Park. As luck would have it, my favorite spots are a) right around the 96th Street playground, under the trees, and b) the promenade down by the Hudson River (which is on the west side of the West Side Highway), but the Upper Manhattan Eruv cuts off east of the West Side Highway, and while it extends considerably farther north outside of Riverside Park, cuts off at 95th Street inside the park. Well, famous last words. The flowers are in bloom, but the leaves are not really out yet, so the trees still looked bare, and--my luck--it was too cold for me to sit by the river for too long.

Next chag is Shavuot, and it might be too hot
I really hope not

For the time being, though, I can forget about that warm and sunny day--it's going to be pouring buckets for the next three days. !#$%!!!!!!

We already have May's flowers
I'm tired of April showers!



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